Wednesday, May 16, 2007

It's lucky you came back!

Well, you're all very very lucky for I found 5 minutes before I go home to post that cool picture I promised. Enjoy. I know, it's a really good looking water cooler - I thought so too

First post in almost two years

Well, you read correctly, first post in two years, after Steve and I killed ourselves staying up all night making flash games. But I deemed this to be worthy of making a post, for the ZERO of you who actually come here.

My friend "Leathal" Leath Mattner is not only on the Intertron, but he has a blog too. NO WAY! I hear you gasp, well, its true. You can find his entirely not suckful and really well designed page (I think he might be gay) at

If you guys are really lucky, I'll post a picture later today of something cool....